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Revisión actual - 13:33 19 ago 2019

The end of present is getting closer and closer: technology enables many possible worlds to be created but large corporations are hurrying to exhaust every option. Meanwhile, they seduce the population with illusions, surreptitiously colonizing the future to eliminate any liberation option.

The technological elite's sick minds dream of a world governed by their algorithms, designed to undermine the social bond; to divide us from the inside to reduce us into usable fragmentary pieces to be used in their control machinery. The main goal the Empire of Man has been to exhaust the creative possibilities of humans to dominate and reduce us to resources from which value is extracted. Those broken human beings are unable to move on their own, so they don't even feel their chains.

Technocapitalism finally culminates in the refinement of domination systems. Whether consumer capitalism captivated the masses through entertainment and the promise of banal pleasures, informationalism has gone a step further; with the digital frontier conquered, Capital now controls the information systems upon which depend our ability to communicate and even to think. Society is so addicted to the new masters that it can hardly imagine the world outside of its guardianship.

Hacktivism has been struggling, but mega-machines greased with the investments of financial capitalism are increasingly powerful. The "digital revolution" has been reactionary, a psychopathic elite has taken over from the previous one to domesticate life more effectively and kill all spontaneity.

The drama of the oppressor is that he cannot crush the life he dominates, and therefore resistance will always come. However, nowadays attempts to replace true life with mechanical substitutes are made, so that a smart-stupidity surrounds us and harasses us every day, inoculating informational viruses that turn us into zombies, incapable of discerning between market and life, incapable of feeling and acting freely.

"The life worth living" is living in rebellion and community. There are still sparks of conscience allowing us to create spaces of resistance, territories freed from the pervasive influence of the market. In them, we create autonomous communities where we recover our capacity to make politics, our sense of being and building solidarity relationships to fight against the death in techno-capitalism life.

Every year, hackmeeting creates temporary zones filling those freed spaces with technological subversion, hybridizing the hacker/hacktivist community with communities of resistance that welcome us. In that spaces-time of autonomy we feed the bonds of solidarity, we build networks of collaboration, we create new projects, and we strengthen the communities of expanded resistance that shed light on our lives. That's why there will always be another hackmeeting!

This is why we also stand for the defence of squatted social centres at risk of eviction, such as La Ingobernable and La Invisible, which welcomed us in the last two years. They will be able to evict buildings, but the resistance communities grown up in them will find alternative ways to nurture life and deal with the corrupts. They have power, but life and intelligence will always be on our side.

This year, it is Errekaleor Bizirik! which welcomes us, yet another example of the resilience to financial speculation aggressions and political opportunism on the common territory. One more local community whose previous work serves as a support for us to contribute another layer to the resistance againstechno capitalismsm, because technological sovereignty is not possible without freed territories, nor can these be expanded without technological sovereignty.